I recognize I need to do something to do…To take action towards something that is new for me…When I’m having to do something that is new for me…It is easy for me to feel incompetent…Because I am when it comes to this particular task…I don’t like feeling incompetent…I don’t like feeling dumb…Every single thing that I am able to do…I had to learn how to do it first…Even the things that I do the best…At one point I couldn’t do them all…I give myself permission to know it is okay to feel incompetent…It is okay that I don’t know how to do this…I know I will learn how to do it…It can also be difficult to start with something new…Because I don’t know where to start…If I knew how to do this I would know where to start…Figuring out where to start as part of the learning process…I give myself permission to just begin…As I take action I will learn…as I take action I will understand more…This means it will be easier for me to move forward…In thoughtful and deliberate way…As I learn how to do this I will learn what the next step is…As I learn something new I am afraid that other people are going to recognize the fact that I don’t know what I’m doing…They are going to judge me as being stupid…They’re going to judge me…I trust myself to know it is okay for me not to know…The judgment from others is not important when it comes to me having success…I give myself permission to be okay that others might see me being unsuccessful…As I learned how to do this…Eventually they will see me as successful…Because I will have learned what to do…I trust that in this process my belief in myself is more important than others judgment…This will allow me to take action…I will end up knowing how to do this well.
Pod #321: EFT For Staying Focused (Productivity Series: 2 of 7)
I recognize the fact that I have a lot going on…I recognize that my mind is trying to keep track of so many things…And because my mind is trying to keep track of all of these things…It bounces from place to place…Making it difficult for me to stay focused…And difficult for me to get everything done…I appreciate that these distractions are just a part of my system trying to keep me safe…It doesn’t want me to miss anything…It bounces from idea to idea because it thinks all of the stimulus is important…I know all of these distractions aren’t actually important… I don’t need to pay attention to them right now…But my subconscious mind doesn’t always realize that…It doesn’t always know what is important…It bounces from place to place because it thinks everything is important…But I recognize the fact that it is possible for me to stay focused…And to ignore all of these other distractions…And still be safe…It doesn’t mean I will miss something important… When I focus on what is in front of me…I’m not ignoring everything else…I’m simply setting it aside for the moment…I’m simply avoiding it for now…Once the task in front of me is done…I can return to paying attention to all of the other tasks…I can pay attention to any other idea that my subconscious mind throws up…Because I know these thoughts will not be lost…I will be reminded of anything I need to do in the future…So I give myself permission to focus on what is in front of me right now…Calmly letting go of everything else…Except what I am working right now…And if I am distracted again…I give myself permission to be easy with myself…Simply to let the distracting thoughts pass…Returning to the task in front of me…Without beating myself up for the distraction…As I keep letting these distractions go…It will become easier and easier for me…I will become more focused on my work…I will be kinder to myself regarding these future distractions…I know it is possible for me to be more focused…I give myself permission to find that focus gently.
Pod #320: EFT When We Have An Unclear Vision (Productivity Series: 1 of 7)
I recognize the fact that it is difficult for me to take action when I don’t have a clear vision of where I’m going…When my vision is unclear my subconscious tries to keep me safe…By preventing me from taking action…Because my subconscious doesn’t want me to waste time…My subconscious doesn’t want me to waste energy…My subconscious is worried that if my vision is not clear…Then the actions I take might be in the wrong direction…That the actions I take might be moving away from my ultimate goal…And because it doesn’t want me heading in the wrong direction…It prevents me from taking any action at all…I appreciate the fact that it’s trying to save me energy…I appreciate the fact it’s trying to save me time…By not wasting my effort on something that isn’t useful…When I take action it is an opportunity for me to learn…It is an opportunity for me to get feedback…To see if I’m heading in the right direction…Even if the action I am taking isn’t leading in the right direction…Taking the action can be useful…Because I’m going to learn…I am going to get feedback…And it’s going to give me clarity about what my goal actually is…In moments when I lack clarity…I give myself permission to take the action that seems most logical…Even if it isn’t moving me in the exact right direction…It will help me to learn what the right direction is.
Pod #317: EFT For Feeling Like An Outsider
I feel like an outsider…I feel like nobody gets me…Even if there were the time and space to explain myself…They still wouldn’t understand…Or they wouldn’t accept me…Or they would say I don’t belong…It is painful being in a situation where I am surrounded by people…And yet I feel completely alone…When I sense a connection in the room that I’m not a part of…It feels like there is no entry point…Where I feel like my presence is a burden to others…The only thing to do is to try to escape…I recognize the fact my emotions are working way too hard…I recognize the fact that I do have common ground…There are connections that I can make…I don’t always have to feel like I’m on the outside…Even if they don’t fully understand me…I do have something to offer…There are ways that we can connect…Even if I am not totally at home I can find connection…I can find community…I can be accepted for who I am…Without having to prove myself…I am valuable…I have something to offer…I can connect in a true human way…I am not as alone as I feel…I do not have to fear…I can be completely who I am…Even though it feels scary to be vulnerable…Even though it feels overwhelming to be who I am…Even when it feels like I have nothing to offer…Or that they will never understand…I give myself permission to trust myself…I give myself permission to trust others…I give myself permission to believe in human connection…Knowing that I can create space where I feel at home…My fear of judgment is trying to keep me safe…My fear of judgment is working way too hard…This does not mean I become careless…This does not mean I become reckless…This does not mean I become completely unguarded…Trusting myself and trusting others does not mean I’m letting all of my barriers down…I can be more open and connect more while still keeping myself safe…While still keeping myself healthy…I give myself permission to trust myself…I give myself permission to trust others…I give myself permission to know that I am acceptable…I give myself permission to know that I am lovable…I am lovable in big and small ways.
Pod #314: Releasing Limiting Beliefs
Here is the tapping script that you are going to use as part four of this process. In the audio above, not only do I share the first 3 steps.
I know that I am approaching this just like the people in my life…and I know that approach is not serving me…but there is a part of me that doesn’t want to let this belief go…there is a part of me that believes that if I let this belief go then I am letting them go…that I am saying that they are wrong…I am saying that I don’t love them…I am saying that I am not grateful for what they have done for me…but I know this is not true…I can let go beliefs that they had without letting go of them…I can know that I love them and that they love me and not hold everything they said or did as true…They were imperfect…and it is OK to say that they were and are imperfect…and there are many beliefs that served them in a time and place that don’t serve me…they want what is best for me…and they might think that one way is right…but even when they want things for me that aren’t perfect for me…they do this because they want what is best for me…I can do what is best for me and love my parents…I can do what is best for me and appreciate everything they have done for me…I can do what is best for me and keep the relationship strong…letting go of something they have given me is not the same as letting them go.
Pod #311: EFT To Give Yourself Permission To Be Angry
I know I have a rich emotional life…My emotions are useful…My emotions are one way in which my system communicates with me…And because of this…It is useful information…I also recognize the fact…That there is a part of me that thinks I am above emotional responses…That believes I have transformed so much…That I should no longer be overcome by these emotions…I should be able to deal with everything…In a calm and reasonable way…The fact that I am feeling these emotions feels like I have failed…Feels like I have made a mistake…Feels like I haven’t evolved as much as I think I have…But I give myself permission to know that I’m allowed to feel my emotions…I give myself permission to feel the whole spectrum of emotions…I give myself permission to know that emotions are healthy…I give myself permission to know my emotions are natural…I don’t want my emotions to be disproportionate…I don’t want to lash out at others with my emotions…But I am allowed to feel them…I am allowed to experience them…It is healthy for me to feel deep emotion…It is not a failing to feel emotion…It is not a shortcoming to feel emotion…Emotions are information…It is unhealthy for me to repress my emotions…I give myself permission to articulate my emotions in a clear honest and authentic way…I am healthier when I articulate my emotions…I am happier in the long term when I articulate my emotions…I give myself permission to feel…I give myself permission not to hold back…I give myself permission to grow through my emotional experience.
Pod #309: EFT for Carrying the Expectations of Others
I recognize that the people in my life want what’s best for me…They want me to be successful, happy and healthy…Based on their experience they have a clear definition of what happy is…Since it is their definition of happiness…In their minds it must be everyone’s definition of happiness…Therefore their expectation is for me to live up to that definition…I want to be happy too…But I recognize the fact that my definition of happiness and their definition of happiness are not the same…I can appreciate that they want what’s best for me…I can embrace their desire for me to be happy…I can do this in such a way where I don’t have to adopt their definition of happiness…I do not have to live up to their expectations…I don’t have to pick up their specific desires for my life…I can accept that they want what’s best for me…Without having to accept their definition of what is best for me.
I also recognize the fact that there are times where I assume others have expectations of me…I assume there is a specific definition about my life…These expectations impact me…But just because I believe expectations are there…Doesn’t actually mean these expectations exist…There are going to be times in which I fabricate those expectations inside my own head…I give myself permission to let go of received expectations…Knowing it is possible for me to live the life that I want…Without those expectations.
Sometimes there are really clear expectations others have for me…These expectations are stated in subtle and obvious ways…There are times in which there is nothing I can do to live up to their expectations…Even if I tried to live up to those expectations every moment of the day…There are people in my life who will never be satisfied…And since they’re never going to be satisfied…I might as well live the life that I want to live…It does me no good to be dissatisfied with my life…And to have them be dissatisfied with my choices…If they are going to be unhappy with unfulfilled expectations…I might as well live the life that I want…Because my choices will not impact their happiness…Therefore I need to make the choices that are best for me.
I give myself permission to know that the only thing that matters…Is how I perceive my life…Is how my choices resonate with me…About who I am creating myself to be…About whether or not I am satisfied with that…I know my choices impact others…I know there are people who have strong beliefs about how I should live…I know others have invested in me helping me create the life that I have…I have to take responsibility for my life…I have to take responsibility for myself…I give myself permission to know I’m allowed to live up to my expectations and not anyone else’s…And that will serve me in the short term and will serve me in the long term.
Pod #308: EFT to Celebrate Success
I’m glad I have this moment for celebration…I’m glad that I’ve been successful…I appreciate all of the effort that I put into this success…I appreciate all the time that I put into making this happen…I’m glad I’ve had this success…It is appropriate for me to celebrate the success…Even though I understand intellectually I should be celebrating my success…It is possible that I have subconscious beliefs…About how success is bad and how celebration is wrong…There might be a part of me that is afraid…That since I’ve had this level of success…I always have to achieve this level of success…That this new success has become the new standard…I appreciate the fact that standards change…I’m glad that I’m consistently striving for more…I appreciate the fact that just because I have achieved this now does not mean I have to achieve this forever…This is a moment in time that demonstrates what is possible…What is possible does not become the new standard…I give myself permission to continue to have success…Without creating unrealistic expectations for the future…I also recognize that my success means people will notice that I’m having success…There’s a part of me that doesn’t like that sort of attention…There’s a part of me that just wants to do the work…That wants to invest my time in what is important and move on to the next thing…I know this success is about me and what I’m getting from it…I’m not doing it for the attention…Any attention I receive does not impact that success…I give myself permission to focus on the success…I give myself permission to focus on what I have achieved and what I get for that achievement…Which gives me the opportunity to build more success in the future…There also might be a part of me that doesn’t feel worthy of this success…It believes others deserve this success more…It sees others who have worked hard and not had the same success…It might even believe that this success is some lucky fluke that has nothing to do with me…And since it has nothing to do with me…I shouldn’t have the success…I recognize the fact that I was made for success…I recognize the fact that I was built for success…I see how my success serves other people…I see how my success allows me to keep moving forward…I give myself permission to accept and enjoy my success…To use my success to build upon…To know that this is not a fluke…To know that my success does not mean I am stealing someone else’s opportunity…I give myself permission to allow success to happen again…To know that I’m worthy of this success…To know I’m worthy of celebrating the success.
Pod #307: EFT For Decisive Action (Even When You Feel Uncertain)
I recognize the fact that I don’t know the obvious path forward…I’m not exactly sure what the next step is…I know what I want in a big picture way…It seems so far away that it feels impossible…It seems so distant that it is almost unreal…Because of that I’m not taking any action…Because on a subconscious level I understand since I don’t know where I’m heading next…The action I take might be a waste of time…It might be a waste of energy…Because it might be in the wrong direction…It is true this action might not be the next best step…It is true this next action might not work out…I believe that if I start heading in the right direction…Even if it’s not exactly the right direction…I’m going to be moving forward in a way that is going to make the next action more obvious…It will make the next step more productive…Success is the accumulation of many small steps…There is no such thing as an overnight success…The small consistent actions heading towards true north will eventually lead me the right way…They might not lead me to exactly what I’m heading towards…But they will lead me to a place that is better…They’re going to lead me to a richer life…They are going to lead me towards fulfillment…I give myself permission to take that next step…Action creates more action…Momentum creates momentum…Me doing nothing is the fastest way to not achieving my goals…I would rather take an uncertain step…Than stay stuck here…Uncertain steps become confident steps…Confident steps become a path…A path becomes a journey…And a journey leads to fulfillment…It’s OK that I am scared…It’s OK that I’m overwhelmed…It’s OK that I don’t know what is next…Making progress comes from taking action…I trust myself in this process to move in the right direction.
Pod #303: EFT For When Others Think Ill Of You
I’m really frustrated by the fact that someone else thinks ill of me…They think things about me that simply aren’t true…And there is nothing I can do about it…Their mind is made up…They are unwilling to listen…They are unwilling to try to understand…I hate it when people think bad things about me…Especially when they’re not true…I hate that they are wasting time and energy thinking poorly of me…I hate the fact that they are in a situation where they don’t think of me well…Because I want to be liked…I want to be accepted…I want to be appreciated…I want to be seen for who I truly am…I wish I weren’t preoccupied with what someone else thinks…I wish I didn’t care…But there is a very human part of me that does care…There’s a very human part of me that craves acceptance…I give myself permission to let go of the desire to be accepted by others…I give myself permission to recognize my worth and value isn’t determined by others…I give myself permission to know I am not defined by what others think about me…Even though I hate being in this position…I give myself permission to recognize my own worth…I give myself permission to recognize my own value…I give myself permission to know I am more than what others think about me…I recognize the fact it is possible for me to let go of my desire to be loved by all…I give myself permission to know I am not responsible for what other people think and feel about me…Even though there is a part of me that wishes I could change their mind…All that I can do is make good choices in this moment…All that I can do is take responsibility for my choices…All that I can do is strive to be who I truly am… I give myself permission to do exactly that…In this moment and in each successive moment…If I do that I will find my way to being the best that I can be in this moment…That is what I want…That is what I’m going to continue to strive for.