My life is impacted by things that are outside of my control…There are things that I depend on…Sometimes I don’t have access to these things…Other people make mistakes…Systems break down…The systems and services that I build my life upon can run into all sorts of trouble…When I have this sort of trouble it disrupts everything…I can’t do what I need to do…I have to waste time trying to solve the problem…Sometimes there’s nothing I can do, and I’m just dependent upon someone else…It is so frustrating because when things are mission critical…It makes my life much harder when they are not working…And when this happens, I feel overwhelmed…I feel angry…I feel frustrated…I feel betrayed…It makes it really hard for me to see straight…It makes it really hard for me to think straight…It makes it really hard for me because it affects in every single part of my life…I give myself permission to hear all of these emotions…To know that these emotions want what’s best for me…They just want me to be safe…They want me to be healthy…They want me to be cared for…I give myself permission to hear these emotions…At the same time, I can recognize that this is not the end of the world…It is making my life harder…It is making my life more complicated…But I will get through this….It will not last forever even though it feels like it is lasting forever right now.
I recognize the fact that I was really emotional…I recognize that I was really overwhelmed…I recognize the fact that my emotions really got the better of me…And because I was so emotional, I acted hastily…I acted thoughtlessly which led to me behaving in a very unkind way…Unfortunately, what is done is done…Acting how I acted might’ve harmed a relationship and that’s hard…I pride myself in being thoughtful…I pride myself in being deliberate…I pride myself in having control of my emotions…In the moment I knew I was too emotional to respond…And still I let my emotions get the better of me…I know I can do better…I know I should have done better…Now the best that I can do is to take responsibility for my choices…And take responsibility for my actions…Learn from the moment and to give myself permission to do better in the future…Learning from the mistake without living in the mistake.
I’m really emotional right now…My emotions are really big…I hear the emotions…I understand that they’re trying to give me information…I know they want me to be aware…I also recognize I am not solely my emotions…My entire experience isn’t this feeling…I give myself permission to feel the emotion and let it go…I give myself permission to feel the emotion and to pass through it…The emotion is just information…It does not define me…It is not me…It’s just what I’m experiencing right now…I give myself permission to allow the emotion to pass without having to live in it forever…Knowing that it is just information…And I do not have to remain in this temporary emotional state.