Now is so difficult…There’s so much uncertainty in the world…My internal guidance can’t figure out what is coming next…My internal guidance is working overtime to keep me safe because it is dealing with the unpredictable…I really appreciate that it is trying to keep me safe…I appreciate that it’s willing to work so hard…And at the same time it is over-functioning…It’s like a piece of software running in the background on my computer that’s wasting resources and energy…And it means I am at a much lower resource state…I have less energy…I have less focus…It’s not because I’m doing something wrong…I am paying an energetic tax at the beginning of every single day…I’m starting at 80% of my regular resources…This isn’t because I’m doing it wrong…It’s because of the state of the world…And the worry that’s constantly running in the background…Because of this I give myself permission to lower my expectations of what I will achieve in one day…If I were feeling sick, I would be easier on my expectations…If I lost two hours in the middle of the day to deal with a technical problem, I would adjust my expectations…What I’m experiencing right now is no different…It is not my fault…I am not doing something wrong…It’s just the reality of the world right now…I give myself permission to reset my expectations…I also recognize that it’s really important that I pay attention to my system at the moment…That I listen very carefully to what it needs…I listen if it needs rest…I listen if it needs exercise…I listen to see if it needs particular nourishment…I listen to see if it is just exhausted…And not only am I going to listen more carefully…I’m going to respond to my system’s requests…I’m going to be gentle with myself as I tune into my needs…I’m going to be easy with myself as I understand what I actually need…I also recognize that some days I’m not going to have everything I need…Some days I’m just going to be off-kilter…Some days I won’t have the same amount of focus…I give myself permission to be easy with myself…I give myself permission to be gentle with my experience…To be kind to myself…And if I need to stop and reset again tomorrow, I give myself permission to do exactly that…Right now it is harder even when there isn’t an obvious struggle…I give myself permission to be gentle and patient with myself…To take each day as it comes…Managing it in big and small ways…Knowing it is OK not to be perfect.