By forgiving this person I’m not saying that what they did was OK…By forgiving this person I’m not saying they can do it again…By forgiving this person I’m not saying that they should not have to face consequences for what they did…By forgiving this person I’m not saying I deserve what happened…By forgiving this person I’m not saying I created the circumstances…By forgiving this person I’m not going to say that I will forget what happened…By forgiving this person I am not going to forget the lessons I have learned from the situation…By forgiving this person I am not saying that they can do it again…By forgiving this person I am not becoming a doormat…By forgiving this person I am choosing no longer to be emotionally entangled in the past…
The act of forgiveness is about freeing myself, not about freeing the person I am forgiving…It doesn’t do me any good to keep reliving the hurt over and over…What happened is really disappointing…I was hurt by what happened…But as long as I keep dwelling on it…I’m wishing ill on another person, but hurting myself…I choose to stop doing that…I choose to learn from this moment…I choose to remember the lessons I need to learn from this moment…It is something that happened to me, but is not me…It is not my identity…It’s not something I need to stay stuck in…I’m choosing to forgive them not for their sake…
But for my own sake…This past moment does not deserve any more of my attention…So that I can live my life and be fully present in this present moment.