I like being nice…I like the fact that I am kind…I like the fact that I think about others…I like the fact that I am helpful to others…I like the fact that I’m trying to make the world a better place…The world would be a better place if more people were kind…The world would be a better place if more people were thoughtful…But at the same time…People take advantage of me…Because I am so nice…I know I will help them…I know I will show up…And they know I will stop what I’m doing in order to help them…And because of this, people take advantage of me…Because of this, people don’t take the time to solve their own problems…It is easier for them to have me solve problems for them…And it makes me feel like I’m being taken advantage of…I don’t like being taken advantage of…I don’t like being a doormat…I don’t like being too nice…At the same time I don’t want to turn into a jerk…I don’t want to be mean…I don’t want to be thoughtless…I don’t want to be careless…I don’t want to be cold hearted…There is a middle ground where I can have boundaries and still be kind…I can put my needs first and still be thoughtful…I can maintain clear boundaries and still have rich relationships…I can be healthy and not be too nice…I can be healthy and not be a heartless jerk…There is a middle path…Where I have clear boundaries and I’m also taking care of myself…While at the same time being thoughtful and caring of others…I give myself permission to create healthy boundaries…So the people are not taking advantage of me…When I do this, I will be thoughtful…I will be deliberate…I will be kind…When I have healthy boundaries, I am healthier…And when I am healthier it is easier for me to care for others…It’s not an all-or-nothing proposition…I can have boundaries and be kind…I can be kind without being too nice.