I know what my interior life is like…I know the thoughts that I have…I know the feelings I have experienced…I know when I’m afraid to take action…I know when I’m insecure about what I’m doing…When I see others around me taking action…I assume they are calm…I assume they are confident…Because all that I can see is their outside…I don’t know their emotional state…I don’t know their internal dialogue…I don’t understand their true level of confidence in the moment…When I don’t understand their emotional state and I do understand my emotional state…It’s easy for me to make an unfair comparison…I assume they have everything together…And I know that I don’t know what to do…Therefore I don’t feel like I belong…I feel like I shouldn’t be respected…I feel like I have less to offer…I feel like I’m a giant fraud…And when I feel like I’m a fraud…I’m even more hesitant to take action…I’m afraid that I’m going to be found out…I’m afraid they’re going to see me for who I truly am…I believe they are going to think less of me…The truth is that I do belong…The truth is I do have much to offer…The truth is they aren’t as confident as they seem…Because they have an internal dialogue as well…They have an internal emotional state as well…When I feel like a fraud…It is because I’m making an unfair comparison…I’m comparing their external facade with my internal turmoil…That’s not fair to me…That is not a fair comparison…I give myself permission to feel present and connected…I give myself permission to know that I belong…I give myself permission to know that I have something to offer.