There is a part of me that is worried I’m going to do this in the wrong order…If I do this in the wrong order I’ll have to do it again…Because I’m worried about doing things in the wrong order…I’m not taking action at all…This is a way for me to say safe…This is a way for me to be healthy…Because I’m not wasting time and energy…And I also know that if I don’t take any action at all…I am certain to fail…Action is required for my success…I give myself permission to trust that I will do the tasks in approximately the right order…It doesn’t have to be perfect…It doesn’t have to be exactly right…It just needs to be close to right…Because most of the tasks do not have an exact right order…Most of the tasks do not require me to be perfect…I trust that I’m going to do this in a way that is useful…I also recognize the fact that the tasks that I need to do are important…But my success does not rely on any one task…Success comes when all these tasks add up…Doing a little work at a time…Adding up to something big…And because success will come from is the sum total of these tasks…Doing them is enough…Trusting that I am close enough to doing them in the right order will move me towards success…I know these efforts will add up…I know these steps will add up…Putting me in a position to be successful…I trust the order I am going to do these tasks…I trust the effort will add up into something good…I know that as I continue to take action my way will become clearer and clear…Taking action now is more important than trying to figure out the perfect action…I choose to trust myself.