I recognize the fact that there is a part of me that wants to show up authentically…That wants to show up with certainty as my true self…Being able to share my truth…And able to share that truth authentically…I value authenticity…I want to be an authentic person…But at the same time there’s a part of me that is afraid…It’s worried that if I show my authentic self, I will be judged…If I show my authentic self, I will be in danger…If I share my authentic self, I will put myself in harm’s way…But I choose to recognize that the reason that fear shows up…Is because it is worried that authenticity is an all-or-nothing proposition…And that is not how authenticity works…Showing up authentically does not mean I’m exposing all of myself…Showing up authentically does not mean I’m exposing myself to everyone…Showing up authentically does not mean I am exactly the same all of the time…I get to choose the parts of my life that I share…I get to choose the people I share this with…I get to choose when I do the sharing…I am always allowed to change my mind about how much I am sharing…Authenticity is not an all-or-nothing proposition…I can honest without sharing every part of myself…It is good for me to consciously choose the people I am sharing with…It is good for me to consciously choose how much I am sharing…I give myself permission to know that I can also change my mind…Just because I shared before, doesn’t mean I have to share now…Just because I shared before, doesn’t mean I have to share again…It is safe for me to be my authentic self…Because it does not mean I am sharing everything…Being authentic does not mean I am being reckless…Being authentic does not mean I am being careless…Being authentic does not mean I’m being thoughtless…I can be deliberately authentic…Choosing how much I want to share in any given situation…Because it’s my choice, I can do it safely…Because it is my choice, I’m in control…I give myself permission to be authentically me in a way that makes sense in any given moment.